Thursday, February 13, 2014

Matthew 13

"When he taught there in the synagogue, everyone was amazed and said, 'Where does he get this wisdom and the power to do miracles?' Then they scoffed, 'He’s just the carpenter’s son...and so he did only a few miracles there because of their unbelief.'" Matthew 13:53-58

This passage shows Jesus, the son of God, doing his Father's work, walking in his purpose. He's healing people, giving them hope, perspective and encouragement. However, when he returns to his hometown, people can only focus on his upbringing, his family, his circumstances. They could not get past the labels that they had placed on him. Has anyone ever tried to corner you with their critiques? Have people judged you off of your past and not your future? No big deal, Jesus went through the SAME thing!

But look at this, because Jesus' neighbors were so narrow-minded, they missed out on seeing Jesus in all his glory. He didn't do many miracles there. So what your BFF from elementary school doesn't like your convictions? Somebody, somewhere needs to hear your story. Somebody somewhere needs to be empowered through your poetry, music, writing, painting, or dancing. Everyone can't walk with you into your destiny, so don't allow the naysayers to stifle your gifts. You are talented. You are special. You are a vital part of the spiritual body.

Are you allowing the crowds determine your walk? Jesus didn't. Are you greater than him? Ha! #jesusjuke ...of course you don't think you're greater than Jesus, but it does make you think...

Happy Snowy Thursday!

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